… Moustafa Madbouly, the Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities, said that the implementation of 16 water desalination stations is taking place. The stations’ capacity is estimated at 473,000 cubic metres per day and will be built in five governorates. Madbouly said that the stations aim to serve the new communities and coastal cities underway, including New Alamein and East Port Said.

Madbouly explained that the governorates where desalination will be taking place include Matruh, North and South Sinai, the Red Sea, and Port Said. He emphasised that the expansion in desalination stations is a result of the state’s attention to maintain the water of the Nile in coastal governorates to save it for other activities, such as agriculture.

Sayed El Ashry, the chairperson of the National Authority for Potable Water and Sewage, said that the 16 stations to be implemented include four in Matruh—the expansions of Sidi Barani and Ramleya 3, in addition to New Dabaa with a total capacity of 34,000 cubic metres. Another station is being implemented in El-Alamein with a daily capacity of 150,000 cubic metres. …