Membrane Desalination of Saline Waters (W-002-2014)
Fundamentals of Water Chemistry I&II, Analytical Methods with respect to Membrane Processes, Basic Principles of Pressure Driven Membrane Processes, Membrane Manufacturing and Characterization
Membrane System Concepts, Membrane Fouling and Scaling, Cleaning Concepts, Pre-Treatment and Process Combination Options, Post-Treatment and Concentrate Treatment Options
Integrity Monitoring, Membrane Manufacturer, Engineering Companies and Worldwide Development, Membrane Process Applications and Practical Experiences, Alternative Concept: Membrane Distillation, Exercise I&II: Cost Evaluation for UF/MF and RO, Computer Aided Plant Design
Case Studies including: Ultra filtration Case Study, Reverse Osmosis Case Study and a Technical Visit
Desalination Symposium
Since many years mankind is facing the problem of water scarcity all over the world. Since many years the industry is looking for appropriate solutions.
Appropriate solution means a tailor-made solution for a particular situation. Desalination markets exist in many regions of the world: the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean and even Europe â people in these countries and on these continents are suffering from water scarcity. But even if these areas face the same problem, the conditions are always different. The infrastructural as well as environmental conditions change from country to country. For this reason it is important to know the various local conditions in order to offer the right technical solution.
In the frame of the Saudi Water and Power Forum (SWPF) which will take place from December 1st to 3rd, 2013 in the Hotel Hilton in Jeddah DME becomes an official content partner and presents the seminars âKey Solutions for Key Marketsâ in Jeddah.
Experts of the desalination industry give an overview about the different desalination markets. They talk about their experiences in the Middle East and Africa, about parameters like energy supply, costs and environmental conditions etc. which have to be taken into consideration in order to satisfy clientâs demands.
Thermal Desalination of Saline Waters (W-001-2012)
The workshop will start with basics of saline water chemistry and thermal processes. Then the major desalination processes multi-stage flash evaporation (MSF), multiple-effect distillation (MED), thermal vapour compression (TVC) and mechanical vapour compression (MVC) will be described including system design, main components, instrumentation and control. Aspects of fouling, scaling, feed water pre-treatment as well as distillate post-treatment will be illustrated. The important topic of material selection will be discussed. Co-generation of power and water and hybrid systems as well as main aspects of desalination economics will be presented. The workshop will also cover environmental aspects of desalination and future developments. Theoretical descriptions will be accompanied with case studies.
Introduction to Seawater Desalination (Engl.) (S-003-2011)
To build and operate desalination plants properly is a great challenge and requires a detailed technical know how. The DME seminar gives fundamental and detailed information how to find pragmatic ways to built and operate desalination plants. Selecting the right component not always is easy. The Seminar addresses representatives of politics, business and science, who want to acquire elementary technical, environmental and economical information about this important and rapidly growing market.
Membrane Technology for Saline Waters (W-002-2011)
The Workshop will feature 4 days of full class lectures, discussions, calculations case studies and a field trip. After a successful exam DME will hand over its certificate to the student. The workshop will be held in English language by renowned experts who will report on achievements, latest developments and solutions in the field of modern membrane water desalination.
Lectures will cover: Fundamentals of Water Chemistry I&II, Analytical Methods with respect to Membrane Processes, Basic Principles of Pressure Driven Membrane Processes, Membrane Manufacturing and Characterization, Membrane System Concepts, Membrane Fouling and Scaling, Cleaning Concepts, Pre-Treatment and Process Combination Options, Post-Treatment and Concentrate Treatment Options, Integrity Monitoring, Membrane Manufacturer, Engineering Companies and Worldwide Development, Membrane Process Applications and Practical Experiences, Alternative Concept: Membrane Distillation, Exercise I&II: Cost Evaluation for UF/MF and RO, Computer Aided Plant Design, Case Studies including: Ultra filtration Case Study, Reverse Osmosis Case Study and a Technical Visit
Thermal Desalination of Saline Waters (W-001-2011)
The workshop will start with basics of saline water chemistry and thermal processes. Then the major desalination processes multi-stage flash evaporation (MSF), multiple-effect distillation (MED), thermal vapour compression (TVC) and mechanical vapour compression (MVC) will be described including system design, main components, instrumentation and control. Aspects of fouling, scaling, feed water pre-treatment as well as distillate post-treatment will be illustrated. The important topic of material selection will be discussed. Co-generation of power and water and hybrid systems as well as main aspects of desalination economics will be presented. The workshop will also cover environmental aspects of desalination and future developments. Theoretical descriptions will be accompanied with case studies.
EinfĂŒhrung in die Meerwasserentsalzun(Ger.) (S-007-2010)
Dieses Seminar richtet sich vor allem an Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, die sich sowohl technische als auch marktrelevante Grundlagen ĂŒber diesen bedeutsamen Wirtschaftszweig aneignen möchten.
Im Rahmen ausgewĂ€hlter VortrĂ€ge geben Experten einen Ăberblick ĂŒber die gĂ€ngigsten Meer-wasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen MĂ€rkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor.
Thermal Desalination of Saline Waters (W-001-2009)
The workshop will start with basics of saline water chemistry and thermal processes. Then the major desalination processes multi-stage flash evaporation (MSF), multiple-effect distillation (MED), thermal vapour compression (TVC) and mechanical vapour compression (MVC) will be described including system design, main components, instrumentation and control. Aspects of fouling, scaling, feed water pre-treatment as well as distillate post-treatment will be illustrated. The important topic of material selection will be discussed. Co-generation of power and water and hybrid systems as well as main aspects of desalination economics will be presented. The workshop will also cover environmental aspects of desalination and future developments. Theoretical descriptions will be accompanied with case studies.