Desalination plant delay to hit Los Pelambres 2023 production – Chile

London-listed Antofagasta will lower its 2023 production guidance when it reports its third-quarter results later this month, following a delay in the completion of the desalination plant project, which is key to water availability at the Los Pelambres mine in Chile.

The delay in the completion of the plant will impact on the estimated production for next year by about 30 000 t. 


Desalination plant delay to hit Los Pelambres 2023 production – Chile2022-12-11T23:10:26+01:00

Precautionary measure at Los Pelambres Desalination Project – Chile

On 15 August severe sea swells overturned a construction platform working on the marine works of the Los Pelambres desalination plant project. There has been no significant environmental impact or damage to the works, and some of the equipment and materials lost have been recovered. 

However, the swells have continued which have impeded further recovery work and the Chilean environmental authority, the SMA, has required on 9 September that as a precautionary measure marine works should be placed on hold until the clean-up of the remaining sunk equipment carrying fuel or lubricants is progressed such [

Precautionary measure at Los Pelambres Desalination Project – Chile2022-09-14T03:48:43+02:00

Antofagasta halts Los Pelambres desalination work to finish collapse cleanup – Chile

Antofagasta said Chilean authorities had ordered a halt on work at its Los Pelambres desalination plant until equipment lost in a platform collapse last month is recovered.

On August 15 severe sea swells overturned a construction platform at the project. The mining company said there had been no significant environmental impact or damage to the works, and some of the equipment and materials lost have been recovered.


Antofagasta halts Los Pelambres desalination work to finish collapse cleanup – Chile2022-09-14T03:39:51+02:00
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