Minister Pichetto announces the plan for water desalination at the UN – New York

Rispetto a quasi cinquant’anni fa la situazione in Italia ù peggiorata. “Dobbiamo cominciare da casa nostra – spiega, incontrando i giornalisti a margine dei lavori – l’Italia ù determinata nella risposta alla crisi idrica. Molto ù cambiato in termini di conoscenze, strumenti e strategie. Ma ù evidente che non abbiamo fatto abbastanza per combattere quella che ù una delle gravi emergenze planetarie”. “Nessuno – aggiunge – deve sentirsi estraneo a questa tragedia”.


Minister Pichetto announces the plan for water desalination at the UN – New York2023-12-05T00:39:12+01:00

Residents to have their say on Belmont desalination plant – New York

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is asking for community feedback on an application by Hunter Water for a drought response desalination plant at Belmont.

Executive Director, Infrastructure Assessments, David Gainsford, said community input is a vital part of the planning process and encouraged everyone to have their say on the draft proposal.

“Hunter Water has lodged a State Significant Infrastructure application for a desalination plant at Belmont which could be used to supplement the Lower Hunter’s water supplies during [

Residents to have their say on Belmont desalination plant – New York2019-11-25T15:22:27+01:00

EIR for desal project approved – United States

Ocean water desalination, in which salt and other compounds would be removed from water in the Pacific and introduced into the water supply for drinking and other potential uses, could have numerous potential benefits, West Basin said, including “reducing reliance on imported water, improving water security through increased local control of water supplies,” and “improving climate resiliency” by providing a water source that is not dependent on the shifting volume of rain and snow that arrives each year.

Opponents, however, have said that the project [

EIR for desal project approved – United States2019-11-23T19:52:37+01:00
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