Banaba grateful for second desalination unit from Tarawa – Kiribati

The western Kiribati island of Banaba is delighted that a second desalination unit is about to be brought into operation.

The island, which is home to about 300 people, is just emerging from months of drought, and two weeks ago sought help, after its desalination units had broken down.

The Kiribati Government responded by sending a desalination unit, bottled water and water containers.


Banaba grateful for second desalination unit from Tarawa – Kiribati2021-04-01T15:46:17+02:00

WAF confirms desalination plant installed at Navaca in Taveuni is working – Pacific Ocean

The Water Authority of Fiji has confirmed today that the desalination plant installed at Navaca in Taveuni has been working fine.

This comes after the Authority provided a video as evidence of the desalination plant today.

They have said that the rumours provided by Fiji Labour Party Leader Mahendra Chaudhry is all fake.

WAF confirms desalination plant installed at Navaca in Taveuni is working – Pacific Ocean2020-09-23T16:33:04+02:00

Auckland drought: Why floating desalination plants got the thumbs down – New Zealand

One or even two huge floating desalination plants, to turn seawater into fresh water, were briefly considered as solutions to Auckland’s drought-driven water shortage.

Each of the barges could have supplied 6 per cent of Auckland’s water needs, from a location on Manukau Harbour, but would have come with a big financial and environmental cost.

The desalination barge idea was canvassed in a confidential report to the June meeting of the board of Auckland Council subsidiary Watercare, obtained by Stuff.


Auckland drought: Why floating desalination plants got the thumbs down – New Zealand2020-08-01T14:54:25+02:00

$180m fund to keep Auckland’s taps flowing – New Zealand

Auckland’s water supplier could need to spend up to $180m urgently to find alternative sources of water if insufficient rains fall through winter, worsening the city’s drought.

The spending is signalled in Auckland Council’s emergency Covid-19 recovery budget and would pay to extend treatment for Waikato River water, for ‚modular‘ treatment plants at Pukekohe and near an unused source at Papakura plus possible new measures such as desalination of seawater.

Watercare, the council company that runs the water and wastewater systems, has already committed […]

$180m fund to keep Auckland’s taps flowing – New Zealand2020-06-24T15:33:18+02:00

Decades in the making, Buena Vista Lagoon restoration plan finally approved – California

A long-sought compromise has been approved that will open the stagnant, reed-filled Buena Vista Lagoon to the sea and restore its native coastal marine habitat, but years of work remain before the transformation begins.

Disagreements over whether the lagoon at the border of Carlsbad and Oceanside should remain freshwater or be restored to saltwater have stalled the project for decades.

The final decision allows the removal of the weir, a low wooden dam at the mouth of the waterway that keeps […]

Decades in the making, Buena Vista Lagoon restoration plan finally approved – California2020-05-31T14:42:13+02:00

People living in maritime islands now have access to clean and safe drinking water – Melanesia

Good news for people living in the maritime islands as they will now get access to clean and safe drinking water.

The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management has been donated a mobile desalination plant that will assist maritime communities with water supply during periods of emergencies through the reverse osmosis of saltwater into freshwater.

The desalination plant will be able to convert 50,000 litres of water in one day for drinking and household use.


People living in maritime islands now have access to clean and safe drinking water – Melanesia2020-04-30T14:47:13+02:00

Yokogawa Wins a Control System Order for the Provisur Seawater Desalination Project in Peru – Peru – South America

Yokogawa Electric Corporation announces that the Peru branch of Yokogawa América do Sul (a Yokogawa Electric Corporation subsidiary) has received a control system order from Técnicas de Desalinización de Aguas, S.A. (Tedagua) for a water desalination plant and associated facilities that it is building for Servicio de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Lima S.A. (SEDAPAL) in the Santa Maria district of Lima, the capital of Peru.

With the Provisur seawater desalination project, Peru’s first reverse osmosis desalination plant is being constructed to supply 35,000 m3 of […]

Yokogawa Wins a Control System Order for the Provisur Seawater Desalination Project in Peru – Peru – South America2019-01-29T12:58:06+01:00
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