Where Rising Seas Threaten Drinking Water, Scientists Look for Affordable Solutions- Pennsylvania-USA Rising oceans bring more than high tides and nuisance flooding to coastal zones. They also carry salt water into inland aquifers where dissolved salts can spoil drinking water. A new research effort at the University of Pennsylvania aims to identify vulnerable water systems along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts where rising seas pose water quality risks and develop strategies that can make utilities more resilient to saltwater intrusion. “I think […] Where Rising Seas Threaten Drinking Water, Scientists Look for Affordable Solutions- Pennsylvania-USAMarina Litke2022-03-18T10:22:50+01:00
American Water (AWK) to Invest in Water System in Pennsylvania – United States American Water Works AWK announced that its unit, Pennsylvania American Water, is going to invest $2 million to install 2 miles of new water main in Washington County to ensure high-quality water services for customers and increase water flow for firefighting. In addition to replacing miles of water mains that are aging, the investment is also essential to install new mains to efficiently meet the rising demand for potable water from its customers. Pennsylvania American Water has been investing on a regular basis to upgrade its existing water and […] American Water (AWK) to Invest in Water System in Pennsylvania – United StatesHIWI042021-05-15T15:06:05+02:00