Taiwan Rations Water, Drills Extra Wells Amid Record Drought – Taiwan Some households in Taiwan are going without running water two days a week after a months-long drought dried up the islandâs reservoirs and a popular tourist lake. Authorities are drilling extra wells and using military planes to dump cloud-seeding chemicals in hopes of triggering rain. The government has allocated money to extract drinkable water from the sea. Farmers who need to flood paddies to raise rice, lotus root and other thirsty crops have been hit hard. (LINK). Taiwan Rations Water, Drills Extra Wells Amid Record Drought – TaiwanHIWI042021-05-08T15:33:33+02:00
Island of Taiwan in grasp of major drought – Taiwan A lack of rain over the past year has sent the island of Taiwan into its worst drought in more than half a century, the BBC reports, with many of its reservoirs at less than 20 percent capacity, with water levels at some falling below 10 percent. Normally one of the wettest places in the world with a tropical to subtropical climate, no typhoon or monsoon hit the island last year and there has been little rain. The lack of water is hurting a key industry â semiconductors, computer [âŚ] Island of Taiwan in grasp of major drought – TaiwanHIWI042021-04-23T11:08:52+02:00
Penghu’s 5th desalination plant to operate by the end of the year.-Taiwan Taiwan Water Corp. confirmed Tuesday that it expects the fifth desalination plant in Penghu County to be completed by the end of the year, though a government official suggested there was still a hurdle to overcome. The construction of the desalination plant, initially planned to be completed in May 2018, was later scheduled to be finished by the end of 2018, and that target remains in place, the company said in a statement. But Public Construction Commission chief Wu Tse-cheng (ĺłćž¤ć), who was in Penghu on Tuesday to check on the projectâs progress, urged Taiwan Water to overcome horizontal [âŚ] Penghu’s 5th desalination plant to operate by the end of the year.-TaiwanHIWI042018-07-27T11:08:27+02:00