Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Coming soon: DME e.V. Desalination Technology Map – Moers – Germany

Coming soon: DME e.V. Desalination Technology Map
Dienstag, Dezember 19, 2017

Comprehensive overview on 17 desalination technologies (part 1)

(in alphabetical order):

CDI – Cpacitive Deionization

ED/EDR – Electrodialysis (Reverse)

EDI – Electrodeionization

FD – Freeze-Thaw Desalination

FO – Forward Osmosis

GH – Gas Hydrates

HD – Humidification-Dehumidification

IX – Ion Exchange

MED – Multi-Effect-Distillation

MD – Membrane Distillation

MDC – Microbial Desalination Cells

MSF – Multistage Flash Evaporation

MVC – Mechanical VApor Compression

OTED – Ocean Thermal Energy Desalination

RO – Reverse Osmosis

RSE – Rapid Spray Evaporation

TVC – Thermal Vapor Compression

Introduction to the fundamentals of desalination (part 2)

Posted by Peter Tillack


Coming soon: DME e.V. Desalination Technology Map – Moers – Germany2017-12-21T11:23:07+01:00

MIT suggests a different approach to reducing the rate of fouling – USA

The prevailing idea in the industry has been that the high pressure required by RO is responsible for the relatively high rate of fouling, compared to other systems such as forward osmosis. But the MIT study shows that this is not the case, a finding that opens up new approaches to reducing fouling in RO. The research, by Emily Tow ’12, SM ’14, PhD ’17 and MIT Professor John H. Lienhard V, was recently published in the Journal of Membrane Science and presented at the 2017 AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, where it received the Student Best Paper Award.

MIT suggests a different approach to reducing the rate of fouling – USA2017-10-16T07:49:37+02:00

Motion of the Ocean Generates Fresh Water (RO)

Sandia Labs’ findings have helped Atmocean attract about $3.5 million in investment to continue product testing, add staff and boost component manufacturing at Reytek. The company built full-size seawater pumps and tested the system off the coast of Oregon in 2011 and off Peru for six months in 2015. “The first Peru tests were a big success,” Kithil said. “Other small communities want to see if it will work for them.”

Atmocean is working now with Sandia Labs engineer Tim Koehler on computational modeling of the wave energy system. Following trials in a test tank at the Texas A&M [

Motion of the Ocean Generates Fresh Water (RO)2017-07-18T13:55:37+02:00

Trinkwasser könnte teurer werden Preissteigerung bis zu 45 Prozent erwartet

Wasserversorger versuchen bereits heute, das Wasser mit unterschiedlichen Maßnahmen zu schĂŒtzen, indem sie die darĂŒber liegenden FlĂ€chen selbst pachten, Brunnen verlagern oder belastetes mit unbelastetem Wasser mischen. Auch diese Kosten fließen bereits heute in den Trinkwasserpreis mit ein.

Doch derartige Maßnahmen werden in Zukunft in hochbelasteten Regionen nicht ausreichen, um den Nitratwert im Trinkwasser niedrig zu halten. Die UBA-Studie hat dies mit Daten von und in Kooperation mit drei großen Wasserversorgern untersucht: OOWV (Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesischer Wasserverband), Rheinenergie und RWW (Rheinisch-WestfĂ€lische Wasserwerksgesellschaft). Ergebnis: In einigen Gebieten könnte bald der Fall eintreten, dass das Wasser zusĂ€tzlich gereinigt werden muss. Dazu gibt [

Trinkwasser könnte teurer werden Preissteigerung bis zu 45 Prozent erwartet2017-06-12T10:30:42+02:00

Sweet water for Meerensee area (South Africa)

THE desalination plant at Alkantstrand is already in production and by the time it is commissioned on 1 February, it will supply enough water to supply Meerensee, Mzingazi and Mbonambi.

Speaking at a drought crisis meeting in Richards Bay on Tuesday, Muneka Paradzai, Project Manager at the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) said the salt water to drinking water plant was already producing 3.5 megalitres (Ml), which would climb to 10Ml in full production.

‘Testing is being done and the taste is excellent – slightly sweeter than consumers are accustomed to.

‘The water from the plant will be sent to the Meerensee [

Sweet water for Meerensee area (South Africa)2017-05-30T12:58:37+02:00
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