Acwa Power, Veolia and Oman-based Dhofar International Development and Investment Holding Company (DIDIC) has been awarded the Salalah Independent Water Project in Oman Acwa Power, a major developer and operator of power and desalinated water plants, said its consortium with French water and energy management company Veolia and Oman-based Dhofar International Development and Investment Holding Company (DIDIC) has been awarded the Salalah Independent Water Project in Oman. The project is being procured by Oman Power and Water Procurement Company SAOC (OPWP) under a build-own-operate framework on the back of a 20-year Water Purchase Agreement. Dhofar Desalination Company, the project company, will be owned by Acwa Power, Veolia Middle East and Dhofar International Development & Investment Holding (Didic). The plant, to be located [âŚ] Acwa Power, Veolia and Oman-based Dhofar International Development and Investment Holding Company (DIDIC) has been awarded the Salalah Independent Water Project in OmanDME GmbH2017-12-15T13:50:35+01:00