Desalination Training in Salvador da Bahia, Brasil

DME GmbH is planning to held a desalination training course in Brasil in May 2017 (23-25.05.2017).

The training is planed to be held in Salvador da Bahia during the


More information about this training will be provided within the upcomming weeks.

Desalination Training in Salvador da Bahia, Brasil2017-01-23T10:40:51+01:00

Did you miss a Training Course or a Seminar?

Have your job kept you busy? Have you heard about a very interesting training or seminar – unfortunately too late because the event took place already?

This is no problem anymore. You can just press the rewind bottom and let it happen again 
 as often as you like!
DME now offers training courses and seminars as real-time recorded films on Blue Ray and DVD.

DME started this new service in 2013 after 10 years of praxis and now integrated it in the DME portfolio of services.
Now you have three possibilities to follow a DME training course, seminar or workshop:

Did you miss a Training Course or a Seminar?2015-07-28T23:21:50+02:00
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