Legal notice and privacy policy

Die Deutsche MeerwasserEntsalzung (DME) GmbH permanently endeavours after displaying correct pieces of information and sets of data on this website. However, we do not guarantee or warranty their up-to-dateness, accuracy or completeness. The same applies to all other websites which can be accessed via any of the hyperlinks on our website.

Die Deutsche MeerwasserEntsalzung (DME) GmbH is not responsible for the content of any such website which can be accessed via such a link. DME reserves the right to modify or supplement the pieces of information or sets of data provided on its website without prior notice.

Die Deutsche MeerwasserEntsalzung (DME) GmbH grants the revocable permission to link to the homepage of Die Deutsche MeerwasserEntsalzung (DME) GmbH or to individual pages of the online offer if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The link must be set in such a manner that the page which is linked will be reloaded completely and that the target page will not be set in and/or integrated into a frame (inline link, frame etc.).
  • Die Deutsche MeerwasserEntsalzung (DME) GmbH logo may not be used as link image unless approved in advance by Die Deutsche MeerwasserEntsalzung (DME) GmbH. Approval to use the logo can be obtained by contacting us at or at our office by telephone.
  • DME must be informed about any link onto our website by e-mail ( within 24 hours after it has been set.
  • The hyperlink to the linked sites must be designed in such a manner that either the identification or the title of the website which is to be linked shall be used. It must be made clear to viewers of the hyperlink that they are referred to content of by mentioning the identification also if the title is displayed.
  • The internet service that provides a hyperlink on takes care not to infringe any legal provisions. Particular care must be taken that copyrights and protected rights of any third party as well as all penal provisions are observed. In case any legal demands are made against due to the offer and/or use of the internet service which has linked onto our website, this internet service shall hold DME harmless from any such demands.

The content of Die Deutsche MeerwasserEntsalzung (DME) GmbH website is copyrighted. Copies of information or sets of data contained on the website, particulary texts, parts of texts or graphical material, must not be made or used without prior agreement by DME, except from text and graphical material explicitly offered in the chapter “Press”.

All pieces of information or sets of data on DME’s website and their use, the log-on to Die Deutsche MeerwasserEntsalzung (DME) GmbH website and all actions, sufferance or omission related to Die Deutsche MeerwasserEntsalzung (DME) GmbH website shall be exclusively subject to German Law. Place of execution and exclusive jurisdiction shall be Duisburg, Germany.

Contact / additional information as laid down in the German telephone service law (Teledienstgesetz TDG)

Responsible for the content:

Deutsche MeerwasserEntsalzung (DME) GmbH

Managing Director:

Claus R. Mertes

Bismarckstraße 120

D – 47057 Duisburg

Phone:  +49 (0) 203 306 4257

Telefax: +49 (0) 203 306 4255


Amtsgericht Duisburg

HRB 20913

VAT-ID: DE263828089

If you have any questions on DME, please contact us at