Facts of Desalination with DESALFACTS
Desalination processes and technology can be found nearly every where. Basicly the sea and the sun does show every day how to evapurate and condensate water. Some peolpe do not like rain others start dancing. It is a question of quantity and quality.
Knowing as much as possible natural mechanisem to seperate water and salt is setting a powerfull base line in DESALFACTS. Today 20 of this so called “working principles” to desalinat water are monitored within DESALFACTS.
As every desalination technology is making use of one or more such “working principles” in DESALFACTS a classification of Desalination Technologies has been established.
Together with a globally operating group of companies, institutes and researchers we did develop several standard profiles as well as generic categories for todays and future desalination technologies, companies, universities, R&D institutions, countries, patens, publications and desalination plants. Data are collected by experts and automated. Verification of this data is taking place by automated categorization and experts know how.
The collected data provide first class information to build up and quantify alternative technology scenarios and frameworks, different acclaimed intermittency models of national water resources and water demand as well as possible national partners of the desalination industry, R&D institutes and universities.
By means of this database companies may be enabled to build up decisions on long term production, operation or partnering investments, matching technology partners and possible market entries within a framework of years ahead.
This working principles are build up in order to provide everybody dealing with desalination issues an orientation. Of cause this structure is set up to be as general as needed and as detailed as possible. A lot of basic principles used to desalinate water are working together with other principles as well. This structure does follow the main driving forces and neglect minor forces even if this forced do support the main goal to desalinate.
This Classification of Desalinaiton Technoogy system is based on the natural working principles of chemistry, physics and biology. It starts as low as electrochemistry and nuclear physics. From here on it is building up its structure. Under the five main science fields 20 subordinated science areas have been found describing all natural working principles in desalination systems.
DESALFACTS Modules are:
- 200 Countries with detailed water profiles – identify the main water trends driving opportunities and focus your business strategy.
- dozens of Company -, University – and R&D Institute Profiles – technical and financial details available.
- 25 of 51 in-depth technology profiles of all known, upcoming, and future desalination technologies – understand how you can make use of this know-how.
- several hundreds of desalination plant profiles at a fast growing number due to the unique public barter process.
- more than a thousand desalination patents – categorised and organised in systematic structures.
- hundreds of R&D Articles – categorised and organised in systematic structures.
- a functional “Google-like” search enabling every user a most selective search over ALL data.
- the Desalination Business Intelligence (DESAL BI) and Desalfacts Mining tool enabling unreached speed and a combination of DESALFACTS and your own data keeping all data in your house.
Looking into patents and R&D publications this is a good way to predict up coming developments. DESALFACT does monitor also sources such as United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO), Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA), Patentstar.cn (CN), Soopat.com (CN), Sciencedirect.com, and others regulary.