Davis & Shirtliff Unveils First Battery-Less Solar Water Treatment Plant – Kenya

„With its unique combination of reliability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness, this solution paves the way for a new era in the industry especially for industrial and commercial uses including in industries, education centres, health facilities, residential areas and more,“ Holi added.


Davis & Shirtliff Unveils First Battery-Less Solar Water Treatment Plant – Kenya2023-07-05T15:53:46+02:00

KENYA: Boreal Light equips 28 hospitals with solar-powered desalination systems – East Africa

German start-up Boreal Light has just delivered 28 solar-powered desalination systems to Kenya. The systems are intended for hospitals treating daily Covid-19 cases in the coastal region of the country, as well as Turkana and Nakuru counties.

In addition to the supply of drinking water, Boreal Light’s objective is to contribute to the fight against Covid-19 in Kenyan hospitals by providing enough water for sanitation, including hand washing. According to Andrew Tuimur, just 22.8% of Kenyans have limited sanitation services and 40% use unimproved services.


KENYA: Boreal Light equips 28 hospitals with solar-powered desalination systems – East Africa2022-12-11T23:04:32+01:00

Containerized solar water farms provide clean water, jobs for locals

More than 2 billion people globally lack access to clean drinking water, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Nonprofit organization GivePower is aiming to reduce that number by using the sun’s energy, shipping containers, desalination technology and local supply chains.

GivePower builds and delivers containerized solar-powered water farms that desalinate salty water.

The organization focuses on areas where “there’s an immediate and growing need for better access to safe water,” Kyle Stephan, vice president of operations at GivePower, told FreightWaves.


Containerized solar water farms provide clean water, jobs for locals2022-12-11T23:26:14+01:00

Solar-Powered Desalination Device Will Turn Sea Water Into Fresh Water For 400,000 People – Kenya

seawater into normal water without polluting the area, it will be a massive achievement, as only 3% of the water on Earth is fresh.

SWS a Finnish water technology company, has come as close as anyone to being able to offer the world essentially unlimited fresh water through its unique, zero-emissions, zero-running cost, and non-polluting desalination technology.

Now it’s being deployed, thanks to backing from the Dutch group Climate Fund Managers, in Kitui County, Kenya as part of a long-term goal to provide water for 400,000 rural Kenyans by […]

Solar-Powered Desalination Device Will Turn Sea Water Into Fresh Water For 400,000 People – Kenya2021-10-08T11:34:28+02:00

Solar-powered water desalination system to supply Bubisa – Kenya

German start-up Boreal Light plans to inaugurate a new brackish groundwater desalination system on September 22nd, 2021 in Bubisa, a village in Marsabit County, Kenya. The plant will be powered by solar photovoltaic energy. 

After the “Shimoni WaterKiosk” system, which went into operation in August 2021 for several public structures on the southern coast of Kenya, Boreal Light will present a new brackish groundwater desalination system on September 22nd, 2021.

According to the German start-up, the ceremony will be held in Bubisa, where the plant will provide 11 […]

Solar-powered water desalination system to supply Bubisa – Kenya2021-09-15T23:56:35+02:00

Solar-Powered Desalination Device Aims to Deliver Water to 400,000 Kenyans – Kenya

Turning seawater into potable water is typically an expensive and polluting process. Now, Climate Fund Manager and Solar Water Solutions have a revolutionary solution with zero carbon footprint. 

The groups are working together to install up to 200 desalination units in Kitui County, Kenya. The project’s long-term goal is to provide clean water to 400,000 Kenyans by 2023. 

The total funding opportunity is estimated to be up to USD 15 million.


Solar-Powered Desalination Device Aims to Deliver Water to 400,000 Kenyans – Kenya2021-07-24T14:53:15+02:00

Solar water desalination system installed at 23 Kenyan hospitals – Kenya

Therefore, in celebration of world water day, WaterKiosk in partnership with DEG and Boreal Light GmbH officially opened the first round of the largest solar water desalination project in Africa on 17 March 2021.

The project is supported via the develoPPP.de programme, which DEG implements on behalf of the German ministry for economic cooperation and developments (BMZ).

These solar water desalination systems aim to mitigate the impact of the pandemic by supplying over one million litres of safe drinking water daily in 23 key hospitals and clinics across Kenya.

Solar water desalination system installed at 23 Kenyan hospitals – Kenya2021-05-21T09:54:53+02:00

A first for village in Kilifi as NGO undertakes fresh water project – Kenya

Since independence, Kavunzoni village in Kilifi county has had no fresh water.

Residents have to walk for long distances in search of water.

School going children are not spared either as a times they have to sacrifice their education and remain at home babysitting their younger siblings as their mothers set out in search of the precious commodity.


A first for village in Kilifi as NGO undertakes fresh water project – Kenya2021-05-07T15:10:54+02:00

Lamu Residents Fault County Over Biting Water Shortage During Ramadhan – Kenya

The Muslim faithful in Lamu Island are pushing the county government to urgently address an ongoing water shortage that has hindered crucial activities during the holy month of Ramadhan.

Water is essential to Muslims, especially during the evening after breaking the fast.

However, many households within Lamu Island have witnessed rampant water shortage with some missing the commodity for over ten days in a row.


Lamu Residents Fault County Over Biting Water Shortage During Ramadhan – Kenya2021-04-26T15:53:26+02:00

Tesla Solar Panels Are Making Drinking Water For Kenyans – Kenya

We are quickly heading toward a massive water crisis that will affect the entire world. According to the World Health Organization, one in three people already does not have access to clean drinking water as of today.

It is estimated that 2 billion people have to use a drinking source that is contaminated with feces. Unfortunately, researchers predict that by 2025 half the world’s population will live in water-stressed areas.

On top of the current water scarcity, scientists expect that more water sources will be contaminated by undrinkable […]

Tesla Solar Panels Are Making Drinking Water For Kenyans – Kenya2020-12-31T21:23:43+01:00
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