A new UNICEF seawater desalination plant is providing safe tap water to southern Gaza Strip

In January, UNICEF and partners completed the construction of a €10 million seawater desalination plant funded by the European Union. It will initially produce 6,000 cubic metres of safe drinking water a day, providing it to 75,000 people living in the southern Gaza Strip – about 35,000 people in Khan Younis and 40,000 people in Rafah.


June Kunugi, UNICEF State of Palestine Special Representative, still remembers the day she arrived at the site of construction of the plant in April 2013. “All I saw was just an empty stretch of land,” she says.

“Today the plant has [

A new UNICEF seawater desalination plant is providing safe tap water to southern Gaza Strip2017-04-07T15:05:12+02:00

Israel’s desalinated water could pose major health risk to millions of children By Andrew Tobin | March 30, 2017


“We could be talking about a significant detriment across the population,” said Aron Troen, a nutritional neuroscientist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who helped lead the survey. “For anyone below the minimum level, you may loose 7 to 10 to 12 IQ points, which translates into a huge decrease in GDP due to reduced productivity.”

“We are concerned that increased reliance on desalinated water in the Israeli food chain is contributing to iodine insufficiency in the population.” (LINK)


Israel’s desalinated water could pose major health risk to millions of children By Andrew Tobin | March 30, 20172017-04-06T14:17:53+02:00

Qurayyat Desalination SAOC (“Qurayyat”), a company incorporated in theSultanate of Oman, has increased its share capital

Qurayyat Desalination SAOC (“Qurayyat”), a company incorporated in theSultanate of Oman, has increased its share capital2017-04-06T13:34:00+02:00

Surface Ocean – Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS)

National reports from Spain, Canada, Finland, Poland, China (Taipei), China (Beijing), Germany, Japan, Belgium and Australia are available here. The reports present activities that took place in 2016 and future plans.
Did you contribute to it?
More reports are expected and will be available online as they come in. (LINK)


For more details please go to: http://www.solas-int.org/about/solas.html

Copy of “http://www.solas-int.org/about/solas.html”

“Since 2004, the International Surface Ocean – Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) project is an international research initiative aiming to understand the key biogeochemical-physical interactions and feedbacks between the ocean and atmosphere. Achievement of this goal is important to understand and quantify the role [

Surface Ocean – Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS)2017-04-05T13:52:12+02:00

Tunable sieving of ions using graphene oxide membranes

Graphene oxide membranes show exceptional molecular permeation properties, with promise for many applications. However, their use in ion sieving and desalination technologies is limited by a permeation cutoff of ∌9 Å, which is larger than the diameters of hydrated ions of common salts. The cutoff is determined by the interlayer spacing of ∌13.5 Å, typical for graphene oxide laminates that swell in water. Achieving smaller d for the laminates immersed in water has proved to be a challenge. Here, we describe how to control d by physical confinement and achieve accurate and tunable ion sieving. Membranes with d from ∌9.8 Å to [

Tunable sieving of ions using graphene oxide membranes2017-04-04T10:02:11+02:00

Aramco, Adnoc and Masdar partner on energy R&D

The MoU was signed by Yasser Mufti, executive director for New Business Development at Saudi Aramco and Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, chief executive officer (CEO) of Masdar.

Mufti said: “Saudi Aramco welcomes the MoU with Masdar. We are embarking on an ambitious program in sustainable energy, including renewables and CO2 capturing and are also supporting the research and development efforts of various organizations and institutes in the Kingdom to promote renewables use in power generation and water desalination.”

This MoU, he added, “will facilitate cooperation in research and development, education and awareness, on the basis of each company’s experience [

Aramco, Adnoc and Masdar partner on energy R&D2017-04-03T10:48:12+02:00

Chlor gas leak at desalination plant in Oman’s Samail quickly contained

“A total evacuation of staff has occurred, and we are waiting for the arrival of the team dealing with hazardous materials,” a later tweet said, sharing a picture of the scene, with Civil Defence and ROP vehicles on standby.

An hour later, a team in orange suits and head masks from Civil Defence vehicles arrived to contain the leak.

Just past 7:30 in the evening, PACDA tweeted the successful containment of the chlorine leak. (LINK)

Chlor gas leak at desalination plant in Oman’s Samail quickly contained2017-04-03T10:52:50+02:00

Neue Ultrafiltrationsanlage fĂŒr Gammelshausen – Landkreis Göppingen, Baden-WĂŒrttemberg

Der GammelshĂ€user Gemeinderat hat die AuftrĂ€ge fĂŒr den Einbau einer Ultrafiltrationsanlage mit Austausch der Elektrotechnik im HochbehĂ€lter Halden vergeben. BĂŒrgermeister Daniel Kohl Ă€ußerte sich erfreut darĂŒber, dass fĂŒr alle vier Gewerke – Elektrotechnik, Verfahrenstechnik, Ultrafiltrationsanlage und Fliesenarbeiten – bekannte und zuverlĂ€ssige Firmen beauftragt werden können. Mit den ersten Arbeiten wird bereits am 1. April begonnen, da der zu erwartende Zuschuss an diesen Termin geknĂŒpft ist. (LINK)

Neue Ultrafiltrationsanlage fĂŒr Gammelshausen – Landkreis Göppingen, Baden-WĂŒrttemberg2017-03-31T11:24:02+02:00

Doosan succeeded in winning a 470 billion won (US$422.05 million) seawater reverse osmosis desalination (SWRO) plant construction deal in Saudi Arabia

Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co., the world’s largest provider of seawater desalination solutions, has succeeded in winning a 470 billion won (US$422.05 million) seawater reverse osmosis desalination (SWRO) plant construction deal in Saudi Arabia.

Doosan Heavy announced on March 29 that it has signed a contract with Saudi Arabia’s Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) to construct the nation’s largest SWRO plant in Shuaibah, 110 km south of Jeddah, on the coast of Red Sea.

Under the deal, the company will complete the construction of the plant as the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor. Once the facility is [

Doosan succeeded in winning a 470 billion won (US$422.05 million) seawater reverse osmosis desalination (SWRO) plant construction deal in Saudi Arabia2017-03-31T11:18:27+02:00
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