Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority (SEWA), is taking on the challenge with smart water-storage tanks and utility tracking software

SEWA aims to increase the availability of fresh water from 50 million gallons to 500 million gallons per day over the next five years and save 17 million gallons of water per day from being wasted.

Going With the Flow –

The utility’s water-storage system consists of numerous tanks fitted with sensors that analyze the levels and quality of fresh water. Signals are sent from the sensors via digital transmitters to an online instrumentation panel, which pumps chemicals into the tank to treat the water for impurities. The final product is pumped into clean water tanks, fed [

Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority (SEWA), is taking on the challenge with smart water-storage tanks and utility tracking software2017-07-28T18:29:45+02:00

Multiple-Effect Humidification (MEH)

The Multiple-Effect Humidification (MEH) process for the extraction of water from salt-, brackish and well water represents a thermal method that is based on the well-known principle of evaporation (humidifier) and subsequent condensation (dehumidifier). The performance of this natural process was improved in the MEH process such that a major portion of the used evaporation energy remains within the process, permitting the low-temperature extraction of drinking water effectively and reasonably, without much waste heat, even in smaller units. The technical design of the process describes the natural water cycle, from evaporation (sea surface to atmosphere) to condensation (warm air [

Multiple-Effect Humidification (MEH)2017-07-28T18:33:05+02:00
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