IFAT India, Mumbai (15-17 Oktober 2018)

Welcome to IFAT India 2018!

India’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Solid Waste and Recycling will again open its doors from October, 15-17, 2018 at Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai. IFAT India is an ideal platform to network with industry leaders and business partners from across the globe.

In the background of mounting and persistent pollution problems will see a steady growth in India’s fragmented environmental technologies market. Along with the increased market demand and inputs by the government, the business potential in the environmental industry in India will be huge. Undoubtedly, IFAT India 2018 will be a foremost choice for [

IFAT India, Mumbai (15-17 Oktober 2018)2018-10-18T13:08:23+02:00


The forth DESALFACTS USER Day – 2018 (Wednesday, 26.09.2018)

will provide an inside of DESALFACTS.COM and give the opportunity to learn more about the new features of the system as well as train them self’s with experts.

More details are availabel via our office.

Program and application form and folder of USER DAY-2018 download here soon!


Just put your RSS Feed to our page!

Alternatively subscribe to our news letter here and now!

DESALFACTS USER Day – 20182018-10-01T12:49:27+02:00

Future Desalination Technologies S-006-2018

Everybody is familiar with MSF, MED, RO, NF, UF. Some might have been in contact with MD and FO.

But how knows how this works and how knows what comes next after MD and FO. We now have based on our know how of desalination technology gathered a group of technologies and Applications being presented by inventors, owners of patents and researchers showing where we will go in desalination in the future.

As we all know new and good ideas in desalination are getting more and more needed DME is very proud having gathered this group of people coming from a lot [

Future Desalination Technologies S-006-20182018-01-25T10:55:51+01:00

EinfĂŒhrung in die Wasserentsalzung S-008-2018

DME Seminar „EinfĂŒhrung in die Wasserentsalzung, Technik – MĂ€rkte – Umwelt“

(Mo., 03.12.2018)

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

auf vielfachen Wunsch bietet DME GmbH im Dezember 2018 das Seminar

„EinfĂŒhrung in die Wasserentsalzung, Technik – MĂ€rkte – Umwelt“ (Mo., 03.12.2018)

in deutscher Sprache an.

Im Rahmen ausgewĂ€hlter VortrĂ€ge geben Experten einen Überblick ĂŒber die gĂ€ngigsten Wasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen MĂ€rkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor.

Dieses Seminar richtet sich vor allem an Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, die sich sowohl technische als auch marktrelevante Grundlagen ĂŒber diesen bedeutsamen Wirtschaftszweig aneignen möchten.

Weitere Informationen zum Programm [

EinfĂŒhrung in die Wasserentsalzung S-008-20182018-10-12T09:43:25+02:00

Extraction of raw materials from bitterns / brines S-007-2018

ZLD is a good idea. But why is there such a big demand in this area? Why not even think about the matter from the other side? What quantities of raw materials are lost here every day? How can this usability be made?
We would like to invite you to get acquainted with solutions and technologies that bring us closer to the goal of economic use of bitterns and brines.

More details will be availabel here soon.


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Extraction of raw materials from bitterns / brines S-007-20182018-01-25T10:56:31+01:00

Desalination with small and mobile Systems S-005-2018

Having water on time in place is a challenge. Building pipe lines is a limited option, depending on the distance water needs to be transported. Also having a plant not being operated due to sufficient rain fall looks like an investment not being in use.

Al this gives mobile desalination plants an option to fill this gaps. And today a mobile desalination plant can be in a pocket of a trouser producing less than 1 liter in an hour’s time up to a desalination Tanker providing 70.000 m³/d.

This is a very wide range this seminar will have its focus on

Further details [

Desalination with small and mobile Systems S-005-20182018-06-18T15:55:02+02:00

Introduction to Water Desalination S-004-2018

Introduction to Water Desalination, Technology – Markets – Environment

This Seminar given in english addresses mainly representatives of politics, business and science, who want to acquire elementary technical and economical information about this important and rapidly growing branch (>10%/a).

In the framework of selected lectures the most relevant desalination technologies and their application will be teached. Furthermore markets, potentials and trends in research and development will be presented.

Further details and your registration can be found in our:



Just put your RSS Feed to our page!

Alternatively subscribe to our news letter here and [

Introduction to Water Desalination S-004-20182018-05-04T15:18:37+02:00

Desalination Powered by Renewable Energy S-002-2018

Desalination powered by solar energy is the oldest method nature does practice at all.

In this Seminar state of the Art developments in Solar, Wind and other Energy powered Desalination will be demonstrated. Participants will have the chance to get an outlook into the upcoming developments.

The seminar will illustrate large solar driven desalination plants as well as local and small island solutions.

Further details and your registration can be found in our program:



This seminar is primarily aimed at representatives of companies and universities as well as representatives of research and those who want [

Desalination Powered by Renewable Energy S-002-20182018-04-04T11:29:30+02:00

Future of RO Membranes S-001-2018

Thank you to all speakers and participants. This was a very good Seminar.



Membrane development is going very fast. New materials are developed, new composites are introduced, new concepts are published.

This Seminar will give the overview of what is coming next in RO Membrane development and sales to get the participants up to speed in one go.

Since the first RO plant has been erected the development of membranes has continuously proceeded further. The quality of membranes has been improved and the membrane technology diversified. Nowadays RO Membranes are pushed to the limits and new material and manufacturing [

Future of RO Membranes S-001-20182018-02-08T16:40:58+01:00

9. TZW-Diskussionsreihe am 17.10.2017: Konzentrateinleitung versus GewÀsserschutz

Aus gegebenem Anlass möchten wir auf die folgende Veranstaltung am TZW hinweisen. Diese ist auch im Kontext mit der DME Veranstaltung “Membrantechnik im Wasserwerk – Erfahrungen mit der Entfernung von störenden Inhaltsstoffen” vom 23.06.2017 zu sehen. (LINK)

9. TZW-Diskussionsreihe am 17.10.2017: Konzentrateinleitung versus GewÀsserschutz

Beim Einsatz der Umkehrosmose in der Trinkwasseraufbereitung fĂ€llt ein Konzentrat an, das bislang in vielen FĂ€llen in einen Vorfluter abgeleitet wird. Diese Praxis stĂ¶ĂŸt immer hĂ€ufiger auf Widerstand bei den zustĂ€ndigen Behörden. In unserer diesjĂ€hrigen TZW-Diskussionsreihe soll die Frage beantwortet werden, wie der Einsatz der Umkehrosmose als wichtiger Baustein der Trinkwasseraufbereitung langfristig sichergestellt werden kann. Das aktuelle [

9. TZW-Diskussionsreihe am 17.10.2017: Konzentrateinleitung versus GewÀsserschutz2017-10-05T14:50:35+02:00
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