Under the contract, the aim is to construct a desalination plant in Doraleh for the population of the City of Djibouti. This contract entails the following tasks:
1. design, construction and operation of a desalination plant comprising:
a. installations for pre-treatment, reverse osmosis, re-mineralisation and disinfection, to produce 22 500 m3/day, with civil-engineering infrastructure designed to produce 45 000 m3/day for a future development phase;
1. design, construction and operation of a desalination plant comprising:
a. installations for pre-treatment, reverse osmosis, re-mineralisation and disinfection, to produce 22 500 m3/day, with civil-engineering infrastructure designed to produce 45 000 m3/day for a future development phase;
b. a seawater pumping station with an approximate capacity of 100 000 m3/day;
d. a wastewater and sludge treatment plant meeting the….(LINK).