Successfully for the first time DME GmbH went to Brazil and gave its Technical Seminar on 23.05.2017 parallel to the event of AMBIENTAL MERCANTIL EXPOBAHIA 2017 in Salvador da Bahiaat the side of SENAI/Cimatec (Avenida Orlando Gomes, 1845, Piatã. Salvador/Bahia).
The Seminar „Introduction to Water Desalination, Technology – Markets – Environment took place 23.05.2017.
This Seminar addresses representatives of politics, business and science, who wanted to acquire elementary technical and economical information about this important and rapidly growing branch.
In the framework of selected lectures the most relevant desalination technologies and their application were lectured. Furthermore markets, potentials and trends in research and development will be presented.
The event also had a dedicated Symposium’s day only about WATER TREATMENT AND DESALINATION, on 24.05.2017