India’s ‘grave’ water crisis a result of misallocation, mispricing, mismanagement – India According to NITI (of Government of India) Report (June 2018), India is now entering in to the phase of „acute water scarcity“ and if no adequate measures are taken, then the water demand would exceed water supply by the year 2030. Also, the ground water resources in many cities including Delhi, Chennai, Bengaluru would get exhausted. Water stress is rapidly turning in to water crisis. Water availability on the earth remains the same as it was 5000 years ago when mankind population was just 5 million as against present population of 7700 million. However, “there is enough water for everyone’s need but not enough for anyone’s greed”, as pointed out by Gandhiji who was also not in favour of “putting too much burden on the resources (including water) provided to us by nature”. (LINK). HIWI042019-10-05T23:29:15+02:00